Paradoxes of God's Wrath and His Love can be understood and explained
Paradoxes of God's Wrath and His Love can be understood and explained if this subject would be studied really well. I have found the special peace when my friend Mike Green has shared with me long time ago: "It is necessary to consider that the freedom of choice given by the Creator for the creation is equal to Wrath of the Creator or Wrath of God". Since then it helps me to explain a lot of things in relation of God's Wrath. God has told the creation what way is good and what would be the choice of a bad way. God at the time of creation couldn't refuse providing freewill to the person, otherwise the statement "God is love" wouldn't be a true statement, - because True Love is obliged to grant freedom and the right of the free choice. And still people choose bad ways and get to terrible sufferings because of their bad choice- option- provided to them by True Love when this True Love is felt by them as God's Wrath. But there is good news. Good news is that Jesus Christ by price of His Blood has paid for that "Anger of God" which God has been obliged to present it to creation because of his True Love in the very time of creating.
Владимир Сургай,
Родился в Украине, в Запорожской области в 1956г в семье баптистов. Обратился к Богу в 1993г. Женат, 8 детей. Всей семьёй переехал в США в 1999г. На данный момент штат Миссури, г.Седалия. Заинтересован в поисках принципов единства между детьми Божьими.
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